1:1 Training
The benefits of Private Training at a lower price tag.
With this training option you follow a structured training program for active working adults, but get the benefits of working 1:1 with your coach.
This option is great for anyone wishes to train alone or needs 1:1 coaching in the gym. Bad shoulder? Old knee injury? 1:1 Training makes it easier to modify the program to work around your injuries.
Most people will train 2 or 3 days per week depending on their availability and goals. It also may change from week to week.
The flexibility is similar. However, instead of generic workouts, you will follow a structured training program designed for working adults. The program is aimed at improving you strength, endurance, mobility/flexibility, and overall health.
Teambuildr software allows you to record you workouts, prescribe appropriate loads, and chart your progress. Using your phone, tablet or computer you will always have access to your workouts and be able to see your results.
Absolutely. You can move around your training time as long as you can both attend at the same time.
You get what you pay for. It will just be you and your training partner.
Not currently. Sorry.
Unlike many gyms and trainers you pay monthly, not per session.
Travel and vacations are part of life. Fortunately, you can access your workouts from anywhere and make modifications based on your equipment availabilities. By logging on to your Teambuildr account you can do a workout in your hotel gym or out on the beach.